The Aria Engine is a powerful yet streamlined interface that has been developed for Native Instruments’ free Kontakt Player, specifically for the use of Sonora Cinematic virtual instruments.
Instruments hosted in the Aria Engine come with a curated list of presets, which can be loaded as snapshots in Kontakt Player. Each preset offers a unique combination of instrument layers (articulations), effects, and motions.
At its core, the Aria Engine utilizes two instrument layers that can be either stacked or cross-faded between using a central XY pad. Each instrument layer consists of factory patches or articulations that have been carefully recorded, edited, and mixed. Since sound design is a deeply personal art, we’ve also added the ability to create patches with user generated samples.
To enhance user workflow, the two axes of the XY pad can be either motion controlled or assigned to two MIDI CC numbers of your choice. Motions can be recorded, played back, stored, and recalled for later use.
The Aria Engine works with the free Kontakt Player (7.7 and above), which is available for download via the Native Instruments website HERE.
As per Native Instruments’ guidelines, the following system requirements are suggested for the use of Kontakt 7 Player:
• Mac: Intel (i5 or higher): macOS 12, 13, or 14 (or latest update) • Apple Silicon (via Rosetta 2 & natively on ARM in Standalone or in hosts that support it): macOS 12, 13 or 14 (or latest update) • Windows: Windows 10 or 11 (latest Service Pack), Intel Core i5 or equivalent CPU, 2 GB Ram • Graphics hardware support for Open Gl 2.1 or higher and Direct 3D 11.1 (Feature Level 11_0) or higher • 4 GB RAM (6 GB recommended for lager Kontakt Instruments).
More information on Kontakt Player can be found HERE.
Image of the Aria Engine’s main page with an instance of PANORAMA GUITARS. *Note that some elements may appear differently (or not at all) depending on the instrument loaded.
Articulations can be selected from the main page of the Aria Engine.
Image of the articulations menu. *Note that articulations are subject to change depending on the instrument loaded.
To select an articulation, left click on one of the instrument layers (A or B) to reveal the articulations menu. Click on one of the articulations within the articulations menu to select it or double-click on it to select it and return to the main page.
You can use your own samples in the Aria Engine with the USER SAMPLE articulation, which is contained in the articulations menu.
To use your own sample, drag and drop a .wav file onto the USER SAMPLE articulation. The USER SAMPLE articulation will now contain that sample, which can be used for either layer.
The volume of each layer can be independently adjusted via the volume knob immediately below A or B.
The FADE switch below articulation A or B determines whether that articulation will be affected by the cursor’s movement in the central XY pad.
When switched on, the X axis of the XY pad is used to cross-fade between the two articulations, either manually or dynamically via an LFO or other modulation source.
When switched off, both articulation layers will play at the volume set by their respective volume knobs, and independently of the cursor’s position on the XY pad. This is useful for stacking articulations so they can be played in unison.
Since each layer has an independent FADE button, it’s also possible to keep one layer permanently on while fading the other in and out. This allows for additional variations in dynamics and texture.
XY Pad
The two axes of the central XY pad on the Aria Engine’s main page can be controlled via any desired MIDI CC number. User-generated automations that are input in the XY pad can also be recorded with the RECORD function.
To record an automation in the XY pad click on RECORD under the XY pad and move the cursor on the XY axis as desired.
Custom motion recordings can be saved using the floppy disk icon to the bottom right of the XY pad and loaded later via the folder icon next to it.
Plays back the most recently performed or loaded motion recording on the XY pad.
With the MOTION switch enabled, the cursor in the XY pad will recreate the motion recording once a note is pressed.
Motion recordings can be played back at the rate they were recorded (x1), twice as fast (x2), or at half the speed of the motion recording (/2).
To change the speed of playback, click on the number next to MOTION until you reach the desired playback speed. By default, this is set to x1.
EXPRESSION controls the overall volume of the patch.
In addition to the capabilities in modulation provided by the XY pad and the FADE function, EXPRESSION can be used to add life and realism to a patch.
By default, EXPRESSION is mapped to CC#11, however this can be changed within Kontakt. To change the default MIDI CC number, right-click anywhere on the slider next to EXPRESSION, choose “Learn MIDI CC automation,” and move a fader or knob from your control surface.
Dal niente
Defines the extent of the lowest achievable volume level produced by the EXPRESSION fader or knob.
With Dal niente switched off, some sound will remain, even at the lowest EXPRESSION setting. With Dal niente switched on, the lowest EXPRESSION setting will be equivalent to complete silence.
Establishes the CC number to be used for the X and Y axes of the XY Pad. By default, this is set to CC1 for the X axis, and CC15 for the Y Axis.
The CC number/control surface used to modulate the X and Y axes can be changed by left clicking on LEARN next to the desired axis. Alternatively, you can click on the CC number next to the axis you want to control, then choose a CC number from the dropdown menu.
Clicking on the articulation name next to LAYER A or LAYER B will take you to the articulations menu. From here you can choose from the available list of articulations that can be used for that layer.
Controls the amount of time it takes for the patch to reach full volume.
Controls the amount of time it takes for the patch to stop producing sound once the note has been released.
Lets you offset the pitch of LAYER B in semitones from one octave below (-12) to one octave above (+12) LAYER A.
To get the most out of the Aria Engine, it’s important to understand how it integrates modulation switches and modulation intensity to modulate the filter cutoff frequency and any parameter that can be applied to individual effects units.
Every parameter that can be modulated via a designated knob contains a modulation switch. The modulation switch can be found on the upper lefthand corner of the modulation intensity knob for any of these parameters.
By default, the modulation switch appears as an empty circle, signifying that it is off. When off, the name of that parameter (for instance: GAIN, WARMTH, TIME, LOW CUT, FEEDBACK, etc.) appears below the intensity knob.
When the modulation switch is turned on, the circle will appear full.
When the modulation switch is OFF, the knob is used to set the maximum value of that parameter when the mod switch is turned on.
When the modulation switch is ON, the knob is used to modulate the intensity of that parameter relative to the maximum value that was established when the modulation switch was off.
To understand how modulation intensity works relative to the values set when the modulation switch is off, let’s use the Aria Engine’s filter as an example.
Let's say the filter cutoff frequency is set to 1kHz when the modulation switch is OFF. When the modulation switch is turned ON, the modulation assigned to the X axis, and the modulation intensity set to its maximum level, the maximum value of the cursor all the way to the right on the X axis will be 1kHz. This is the case even though the actual max cutoff value of the filter is much higher (20kHz).
Consequently, if the cursor is set in the middle position, the cutoff value will be 500 Hz-which is relative to the 1kHz that was set with the modulation switch off-and not 10kHz-which is relative to the filter’s actual maximum value.
To choose which axis controls the modulation intensity, click on X or Y on the bottom left of the modulation intensity knob.
When the INV button is switched on, the direction of the modulation intensity of a parameter is inverted on the X or Y axis.
The Aria Engine features two independent filters for controlling LAYER A and LAYER B. This provides the ability to apply different settings to each layer separately.
Image of the Aria Engine’s Filters & LFO section.
Click on the FILTERS & LFOs exit window icon on the Aria Engine’s front page to access the filters and LFOs:
Sets the amount of modulation applied by the LFO to the filter cutoff of the chosen layer.
Sets the amount of modulation applied by the LFO to the volume of the chosen layer.
Sets the rate of the LFO. The displayed value range will depend on whether SYNC mode is on or off.
By clicking on SYNC, the LFO will be synced to the host tempo. In this case, the values of the FREQUENCY knob will be displayed relative to the host tempo, ranging from one whole note to a 1/64th note.
With SYNC mode off, the displayed value range will be given in frequency ranges, from 0.01 Hz to 2131 Hz.
Sets the amount of modulation applied by the LFO to the position of the chosen layer within the stereo field.
Sets the oscillator shape of the LFO: SINE, TRIANGLE, SQUARE, SAW, or RANDOM.
Multiple shapes can be combined to form modulations that are substantially more complex than standalone oscillator shapes.
The bipolar knobs above each oscillator shape controls the amount of modulation applied by that LFO. By default, the amount is set to the central position (0.0%). This position signifies that no modulation will be applied to any of the destinations within either Layer A or Layer B.
Activates a 24dB per octave low-pass filter.
Sets the cutoff range of the low-pass filter.
CUTOFF has its own designated modulation switch that is used to define the filter’s maximum cutoff frequency and the XY pad’s range of modulation on the cutoff frequency relative to its maximum value. See MODULATION CONTROLS (5-6).
Sets the filter resonance amount.
A bipolar step sequencer is provided to modulate the filter’s cutoff frequency. The step sequencer can be used in conjunction with the XY pad (relative to the settings of the modulation intensity knob) for additional interest in the modulation.
To activate the step sequencer, click on the icon above the top right of the filter CUTOFF knob:
The step sequencer provides up to 16 steps of modulation. To change the number of steps used by the step sequencer, drag up or down on the number next to STEPS. Alternatively, you can click on the up or down arrow that appears when hovering over the step number with your mouse.
Click on the SYNC switch to sync the step sequencer to the host tempo. This will force the step sequencer to modulate the filter cutoff frequency in rhythmic values that are relevant to the host tempo. With SYNC mode off, the step sequencer will run in free mode.
To change the rate/speed of the step sequencer, drag the knob above the grid to the left or right. With SYNC mode on, the values given will range from whole notes to 1/64th notes. With SYNC mode off, the values given will range from 0.01 Hz to 2131.1 Hz.
To return to the Aria Engine’s front page, click on the exit window icon to the center-right of the LAYER B LFO section.
The Aria Engine contains an effects page with multiple built-in effects units that can be used to add life and depth to a patch.
These units range from amplifier and stomp effects to reverb, delay, and modulation effects.
Image of the Aria Engine’s Filters & LFO section.
The FX page can be accessed by clicking on the exit to FX window icon on the front page:
SLOT 1/2/3
Effects used on the patch are loaded into one or more of the three available effects slots contained on the left side of the FX page.
To load an effect into a slot, click on the effect name under that slot and choose the desired effect. If no effect has been loaded into that slot, the text displayed will be “-NO FX-.”
New sub-slots and dropdown menus will appear under the effect name once a new effect is chosen. The values and functions of these depend on the effect chosen for that slot.
The right side of the FX page is populated with different knobs and switches that will change depending on the effect that is selected in one or more of the 3 effects slots.
Since all the Aria Engine’s effects units are Native Instruments plugins, we suggest you familiarize yourself with their manuals. This will help you understand how their controls are integrated in the Aria Engine. Find the manuals here.
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